Howe Farm Bull Sale
Held Annually on the First Wednesday in April at the Howe Farm.
After selling our bulls by private treaty off the farm for several years we held our first annual bull sale in 1991 and it has been held on the farm since 2001. We now sell approximately 80 Charolais and Red Angus bulls across the country as well as into the United States. We are tremendously proud of our cow herd and these bull genetics come from over 56 years of breeding purebred cattle. We sell by video auction and broadcast the sale to make internet bidding available. Our sale is held right at home which gives you the opportunity to see the mothers of all the bulls in the offering. This allows you a greater confidence in your purchases. These bulls are wintered on a high silage ration allowing for maximum growth while minimizing the amount of fat put on.
Our bull calves must meet the same criteria as we have selected in our cow herd. Functionality is extremely important in our bulls. These calves need to have a good foot, clean sheath, lots of meat and muscle with low maintenance. Hair coat is extremely important to us and can be seen throughout our offering. The slicker haired calves are under tremendous pressure in the market and we see no room for them in our operation.
With the increasing demand for 2 yr old bulls we decided to set aside a group of young and promising calves to sell to this market. Our offering now includes long yearling bulls from from our fall bred group of cows. We brought these bulls along with our yearling bulls on a moderate gain/developing ration until April. They were then switched on to a high forage/backgrounding ration until turned out on pasture in August. In November we brought these bulls in along with our own herd sires to finish their development into the phenomenal set of bulls you will see.
We welcome visitors year round and look forward to seeing you.
We welcome visitors year round and look forward to seeing you.